Friday, October 16, 2015

For anyone who's had a miscarriage...

I have been filled with all kinds of emotions this week. Yesterday, in particular, was a bit difficult. It's always hard being reminded of our two angel babies, who we will never get to know. We named them Daniel and Timothy. We lit candles for them last night in honor International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day. My heart still aches for them.

I want all women who have experienced a miscarriage to know you're not alone. Perhaps these words can offer even just a little bit of solace:

You are loved.
You have a right to grieve.
Your baby was alive.
You experienced a significant loss.
It is OK to cry and mourn.
Take the time you need.
Reach out to others for help.
Be OK with whatever emotions you need to feel.
Get angry.
Cry again.

This is NOT fair.
This is NOT supposed to happen.
Why me?
Why now?
God damnit.
I hate this.
I hate everyone right now.

Above all, know that you are not alone.
Break the silence.
Share your story.
Educate others.

Know there is strength in numbers.
Know there is hope.
Know that maybe, just maybe, tomorrow will be better.

And no matter what happens, your heart will always carry a piece of the baby you never knew.
Your heart may always ache for that tiny being.
And you know what?
That's OK.

You're going to be OK.
You are strong.
You are capable.
You WILL get through this.
After all, you ARE a warrior woman.


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