Thursday, October 29, 2015

Gratitude matters!

Since 7 has always been my lucky number, on this Friday eve, I've decided to list 7 things from today that made me happy and I am grateful for:

1. Will being adorable in his monkey costume at his school's Halloween parade. I also didn't mind (secretly) that he clung to me and refused to let me put him down on the ground. See, Greg?!! He still likes me too!! #mommywin

2. Panera's You Pick 2 selections, especially their mac 'n cheese and autumn squash soup. #nomnomnom

3. My 4-legged walking buddy. He's a trooper. #lovemybrusselsgriffon

4. Cooking for my boys. I forgot to take a picture of my 3-cheese tortellini with meat sauce, but Greg approved. I impressed myself too. #wifewin

5. This gorgeous fall day. #lovemesomesunshine

6. Shopping at Wegman's while preggers. Oh, the endless possibilities! See pic below. And yes, the cookies are delicious. #eatallthethings

7. Tomorrow is Friday, and I'm in bed before 10 pm. #lifewin

Take time to express gratitude for all of your little life blessings! Life is too short and precious not to.

#everydayjoy #littlethingsmatter #gratitude 

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