Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Hi, my name is Kay, and as you know, I have an addictive personality. This has lead me to doing all kinds of crazy things impulsively, from getting 5 tattoos to running a 50 miler just to see if I could finish it (And I did!). I have had to learn how to be less impulsive and more rational, and thankfully, my husband is a master at this. We are opposites in many ways, and it just works. It really does.

Sometimes, my addictive personality prevents me from making smart or logical decisions. Take reading for example. Ever since the dawn of time, I have loved reading. It quickly became an obsession, and I could never get my hands on enough books. My husband is the same way, and it's no surprise that our son is heading in that direction too. The sheer number of books in our house is absurd, even with my Kindle and audiobooks on Audible (Speaking of new obsessions...).

So, I just HAVE to share my latest, awesome find with you, Carry On, Warrior: The Power of Embracing Your Messy, Beautiful Life by Glennon Doyle Melton. Many thanks to my girl, Mary, for recommending it! Could there be a better titled book for this page?!! I think not.

So, yeah, this book is my current love. It even prevented me from getting to my 5 am OT class yesterday because I was up reading it too late. #bookwormfail

I know many of us are striving to find that true balance in life between work, family, ourselves, and all of the other commitments we have. I am certainly a work in progress with this. Who isn't?

I need to share with you some of Melton's thoughts on balance:
When folks ask me how I find "balance" what they are really saying is, "I feel so much tension in my life. How do I get rid of it all and find peace?" I always say that I think we have the wrong idea about what balance is. 

Balance is not the absence of tension -- it's achieved through tension. My yoga teacher taught me that balance happens when opposing forces pass equally against an object. I have that kind of balance. I have marriage pressing in and kids pressing in and work pressing in, and church pressing in and friends pressing in and I think of all of these powerful, worthy forces working together to keep me solid, upright, and balanced. When it feels like one is pushing too hard and I get wobbly, I just focus on strengthening the others up a bit. And I just make sure that everything causing tension is worthy of pressing on me.

I think that we women must make peace with the fact that since we care so much and serve so much and assume so many roles and great loves, we will always feel tension pressing in. But maybe we can think of that tension as holding us up instead of tearing us down. It would be a great tragedy to have nothing important pressing in at all.
Isn't she great? I love her and her writing. So, what's worthy of pressing on YOU today?

#findingbalance #lifelongjourney #positivity

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