Monday, October 12, 2015

Good for her, not me!

Too exhausted for a long post, but I must tell you about my new favorite phrase: "Good for her, not me." 

Stop comparing yourself to other people. You are wonderful. You are talented. Simply put, you are enough.

My newest addiction: Amy Poehler's poignant book, Yes Please. Listen to it on Audible. She nails so many things. That expression above may be my favorite so far. She's on to something here. 

How often have YOU compared yourself to others? Thought you weren't worthy or inadequate? Wished you were someone else entirely?

Stop it. Just stop. You have more to offer the world than you realize. You are beautiful. You are enough....and don't let anyone ever convince you otherwise, warrior woman! 

#youareawarrior #beyourself #loveyourself

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