Friday, May 20, 2016

Serenity now!

It's been one hell of a week. 😫😫😫

From endless PARCC testing to Greg being beyond sick to single parenting and finding out BBL2 still doesn't want to exit, I am one tired Mama. 💤💤💤

My phrases of the week: 
Calm is strength.🙏🏻
Hurry up and wait.👏
Accept that many things are out of your control.💪🏻

It all applies to me. Especially now. 💞💞💞

We've been (logistically) ready for BBL2 for a few weeks now, but he is still quite comfortable. I've been dilated at about 1/1.5 cm for two weeks now, and my cervix is still high and thick. Baby is still head down (thankfully) and sounds great but has ZERO desire to exit yet. Such a Mama's boy already. 😝

And that's ok. I will be 39 weeks on Sunday and want BBL2 to be as healthy and strong as possible when born. Every day he's still on "the inside," the stronger he is getting, within reason, of course. 😜 Let's hope he doesn't have to be formally evicted in a few weeks.

My awesome MIL made us her famous homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner, Greg is slowly on the mend, and the sun was actually shining for all of today. ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️

I am blessed. I am grateful. I am calm. And I am continuing to remember the Serenity Prayer, every moment of every day.

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