Thursday, March 17, 2016

I am OK!

It's no secret that I'm a naturally competitive person. 🤓🤓🤓

But no, I don't need other people to be competitive. I'm really a long-time expert at competing with myself ... and always have been. 😳😳

When external competition is added to the mix, though, intensity can result. One such example is the March Madness Challenge at my Pure Barre studio this month. Members were divided into teams, and each member aims to complete 20 classes in 31 days. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

Normally, this would not be an issue for me. However, with the studio being 20 minutes from my home, being sick, pregnancy, and upcoming travel to FL at the end of the month, it doesn't look like I will accomplish this goal (despite my strong start at the beginning of the month). Instead of beating myself up about this, I am at peace. I will continue to go to classes when I can but refuse to kill myself over it. Do I really need to be going to 5:45 and 6:00 am weekday classes? No. Do I need added stress at this point in my pregnancy? No. Will I do the best I can? Of course.💞💞💞

Slowing down and not going full speed ahead may still be difficult for me, but I believe I've come a long way. I am kinder and more patient with myself. I try hard to also give Greg time to pursue his passions and get time to himself, especially before BBL2 arrives. I am much more balanced and calm than I used to be. I am human snd have limits. This is OK.🌟🌟🌟

Call me a recovering Type A perfectionist, but I am proud of how far I've come. Not even a silly March challenge -- or epic norovirus -- will cramp my style this time. I value myself -- and the amazing life growing inside me -- far too much. 💗💗💗

March on and be strong, Warrior Women. Tomorrow IS Friday (Thank God!). 👏👏👏

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