Thursday, March 24, 2016

Glucose test love!

What started as a horribly monotonous day turned into something pretty awesome. 😎😎😎

My first day of spring break began at Quest Diagnostics lab, where I had the privilege of having my blood drawn four times over three hours for my extended glucose test. Apparently, I failed the one-hour one (barely), due to being sick and probably also due to the bad decision of eating a donut right beforehand. Whoops! 🍩

While in the waiting room, I managed to catch up on all my trashy magazines, to-do lists, calendar updates, and even read a whole book, The Martian (I highly recommend it and the movie!). By the third hour, my intense sugar rush crashed, and I barely managed to keep my eyes open while listening to an audiobook. My last blood draw couldn't come soon enough. 💈

Thanks to a protein-loaded lunch at Panera, I regained enough strength to head to the noon Barre class and then a much-needed prenatal massage. Glorious! 🍽🌞💪🏻

Of course, the beautiful afternoon called for plenty of quality time outside with my boys. I love the later subsets so we can all take full advantage of family time outside after work! 🌤🌤🌤

Fingers crossed for good results from the test! I find out tomorrow morning. 🌟🌟🌟

#thejoysofpregnancy #itwillallbeworthit #grateful 💞💞💞

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