Sunday, March 6, 2016

Great weekend!

Apparently, BBL2 doesn't like cheese ravioli. He decided it would be amusing to have Mommy throw it up multiple times. Sweet boy. 😂😂😂

Puking aside, it's been a great weekend. 3 Barre classes, a Wegman's trip, family walks, one morning of teaching, a fun baby shower, a date night where Greg and I finally got to celebrate my birthday just the two of us (only 2 weeks late!😂), brunch with an awesome fellow Warrior Woman and friend, a great phone call with a dear friend in France, playground fun, and some significant BBL2 prep! 🌟🌟🌟

Today, we are officially in the third trimester. How is this even possible?!! Time is flying by WAY too fast. And I know there is SO much left to do to prepare for Will's little brother's arrival. Thankfully, Greg has done a wonderful job with beginning to paint Will's new bedroom. I help by entertaining Will and keeping him out of the room.😜😜😜

We also decided on a preferred tandem stroller today, the Joovy Caboose. We also have a double Bob stroller coming our way, which I am more than a little excited about.☀️☀️☀️

I was going to start writing a long list about what else needs to be done prior to BBL's arrival in May, but it's too exhausting to mention right now. We will get there. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

But right now this Mama needs sleep. Desperately.💤💤💤💤💤

#BBL2prep #preparingfor2under2 #happychaos #onedayatatime 

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