Thursday, July 14, 2016


I am glad I survived today. 😁😁

It was epic. 😳😳😳

And yes, I enjoyed a bottle of hard cider at the end of it.🍾

Some top moments from this glorious day: 😝

1. Having to change Dan's diaper and then breastfeed him in a restaurant bathroom stall. Long story.😑😑

2. Having the lights go out in said stall (Damn motion sensors) and then having to exit the stall with Dan still attached to my boob and dance like a lunatic to activate the lights. They eventually came back on, thank God. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

3. Will acting like a total nutjob during his haircut, screaming like a banshee and disturbing everyone in the shop, including an Autistic teenager, who had to cover his ears and rock back and forth to drown out Will's noise next to his mother. I felt AWFUL. 😩😩😩

4. Attempting to feed Dan and find the exact YouTube school bus video Will requested, which changes every 0.05 seconds. Finally, I thought I found THE one. Oh great, a FIVE minute ad in Spanish to get through before being able to see the video. It held Will's attention for about 2 seconds. Yes, it was the longest five minutes EVER. When the video started, Will screams, "No, Mommy, no no no no no." Cue extraordinary toddler meltdown. I can't win. 😩😩😩

5. Attempting to cook another delicious Blue Apron meal with Greg. Smoke alarm goes off. Greg panics and loses it while disarming the alarm and swearing (Remember I said he has ridiculously sensitive hearing?!!!). Dan wakes up. Cue more comfort nursing.🍼🍼😩

And now cue bed, finally!!

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