Saturday, July 9, 2016


It's hard whenever you watch your better half reach a breaking point. 😩

That definitely happened for Greg tonight. We had a really busy day with both boys -- first at the neighborhood pool and then at a friend of a friend's incredible farm -- and I could tell both Greg and Will were losing it during the latter. They were done, overstimulated, and wanted nothing more than to go home. 😩😩

This is where knowing your partner and making compromises is key. I have always been much more of a natural extrovert than Greg, making friends easily and getting energized from being around others. Greg, on the other hand, is much more wary and guarded, taking awhile to open up to others, trust them, and gradually ease into a friendship. As a result, Greg has fiercely loyal and strong relationships with a small group of close friends. I have that but also a ton of not-so-close friends and acquaintances in several social circles. It's how we've always been. 🌟🌟

By the time he put Will to bed tonight (while I, per usual, nursed Dan downstairs), Greg looked like he had been hit by a truck. I encouraged him to get some alone time and literally had to turn off the lights in the basement so he could fully shut down stimuli and relax. This is how he decompresses and recharges before bed after difficult days/nights. He says his "autism" was setting in again.😩

No, Greg is not autistic, but he's definitely a bit quirky and OCD. He needs his space and time alone desperately, something I'm seeing now more than ever. I guess a newborn and toddler will do that to you.😂😂

So, perhaps today's insanity is a good lesson for me. Perhaps I need to help my boys SLOW DOWN on the weekends and just chill. 💤 Perhaps I need to stop making plans and see what the day brings, including what the current mood and feelings of Greg and Will are. And perhaps I need to be more sensitive to their needs, just as I hope they would be of mine. 💗💗

Balancing personalities, preferences, and energy dynamics in a family is never easy, especially when it involves compromise. Paying attention to what each person needs, however, certainly can go a long way. 💞💞💞

We have absolutely NO plans tomorrow. And that may be just what my boys need. ☀️☀️☀️🤗

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