Friday, July 24, 2015

You are ENOUGH.

I have always been a people pleaser, and sometimes, it's gotten the best of me. I have over-committed and overextended myself too many times to the point where it compromised my physical and emotional health. I lived under the false assumption that doing more = better. How wrong was I??! VERY.

This all changed when I gave birth to my son William last year. Immediately, it was no longer just about me. All of a sudden, time was even more precious. The time I wasn't working, I wanted to be with Will. The time I did have to myself HAD to matter. I had to reclaim what was most important to ME for the first time.

Being a new mom has certainly taught me a lot -- about balance, unconditional love, sacrifice, well-being, and most importantly, being OK with being a "good enough" parent. Oftentimes, we strive to become an unattainable "super mom" who can do it all and needs no sleep in the process. This is not fair or realistic. We deserve more, We deserve time to ourselves and the chance to have our own time, interests, and passions outside of being a Mom.

I am happiest when I make time for myself each day to work out. In fact, the gym I belonged to this past year was right next door to my son's daycare. Talk about convenience! I quickly realized that when I made this sacred time for myself, I, in turn, became a better Mom for Will -- more focused, energized, refreshed, and complete. Anything worth doing is worth taking time for ... no excuses.

My best advice to you? Find a passion or hobby that motivates and inspires you to be a better and more creative person. Make TIME every day (Even for 10 minutes!) to pursue it and make YOURSELF a priority, You deserve it, your family deserves it, and your health and sanity certainly deserve it. You are ENOUGH ... be proud of that, and embrace it!! Every day.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Welcome to my new blog!

I love blogs, especially reading them. I have created several over the years, from when I taught in China a decade ago to a middle school teaching blog and then eventually a fertility and pregnancy blog. There is something about writing about your passions and progress and having the world see it that is quite gratifying. And also terrifying.

Who am I? I strive to be a "superfit warrior mama". I strive to be the BEST version of myself, not only for me but for my beautiful family. I am blessed to have an amazing 13 month old son, William, incredible husband of over seven years, and a fun-loving dog and cat. I am a marathoner, Crossfitter, yogi, equity warrior, and middle school teacher who also loves pets and traveling. I am an eternal optimist and always try to see the best in people, sometimes to a fault. I am a Type A overachiever, though I have to say that my son's birth has definitely mellowed me out. That's a good thing.

I have ALWAYS loved fitness and working out. It really is my solace, my me time, my sanity. Without it, my husband is convinced I will go crazy. So am I. I was a competitive runner in high school but didn't start running marathons until 2007. Since then, I have run 24 full marathons, dozens of half marathons, the JFK 50 Miler, and six endurance road and trail relays. Yes, I'm a bit obsessed. I am also a gym rat. My current cardio obsessions are Zengo Cycle and any form of HIIT (high intensity interval training). I LOVE to sweat. Daily.

Starting at an early age, I have always loved helping people. That was a huge reason I entered the field of education and am now in my 10th year of middle school teaching. I love it, as every day is challenging, exciting, unpredictable, and different. It was only a matter of time until my passion for helping people translated to my love of fitness. Yes, I have decided to become a Beachbody coach, as a long-time user of their fitness programs and loyal fan of their Shakeology supplements. I may be a sucker, but I want to spread the good news and help others become healthier and happier in the process.

One of my favorite quotes involves being the keeper of your own destiny. "Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not something to be waited for; it is something to be achieved." - William Jennings Bryan.

I hope you enjoy my blog and Facebook page, Superfit Warrior Mamas. On both places, I plan to share my progress and journey as well as my own workout, recipe, and wellness ideas.

Here's to a healthy, happy, and fulfilling lifestyle, superfit warrior mamas!!