Sunday, August 14, 2016

Oh, Will!

It's true. I have been slacking on this blog. 😬😬

And it's all the Olympics' fault. 😝😝

But hey, a girl's got to sleep. And when you go to bed after midnight every night, your newborn has not been sleeping as well recently, and you're teaching first thing in the morning, sleep is precious. 💤💤💤

We've also had quite a lot going on. Shortly after my BIL and his awesome girlfriend (and their two adorable cats) left us (once they found their new apartment in VA as travel nurses in the area), my wonderful, long-time friend Marcia arrived with her father and 1 year old (also named William). We had such a blast introducing our boys to one another and getting to talk about the highs, lows, and unpredictability of motherhood. So candid. So honest. So real. It was a short but certainly awesome 48 hour visit! 💗💗💗

My in-laws arrived on Thursday night in time to begin Daniel's baptism weekend. My parents followed on Friday night, and my aunt and uncle the following day (Those two couples stayed at a hotel; our townhome is big but not THAT big). 😜

Dan's baptism day was certainly memorable, all thanks to his big brother's antics. Throughout the mass and baptism ceremony, I was reminded why we cannot bring Will to church currently. 

Luckily, there were plenty of emergency vehicles for him to play with in the "cry room". 

Still, here are the two main highlights:

1. Will held it together for about 9 minutes in the pew during mass before deciding he needed to repeat everything the priest was saying and continually say "Hi _______!" to each family member around him. He also clapped and yelled "Yay!" every time the soloist sung or responded. Then he started to run his toy firetruck along the pew until he couldn't go any further. "Move, Grandma, move!" 😩

It was at that point Greg removed Will from the mass. 😩😩

2. Perhaps the most impressive Will stunt of the day was his discovery of the baptismal font. The deacon told him he could touch the font water, which resulted in him splashing the water furiously, scooping it out, and drenching his shirt and the entire floor in the process. Then he decided to run his little fire trunk around the rim of the font, telling, "Grandpa! Grandpa!" (Yes, he finally made the association that his grandpa was a fireman). Perfect timing indeed. 🚒🚒🚒

Needless to say, the other family whose daughter was being baptized gave my MIL the look of death. 😩😩😩😩

So, my MIL scooped Will up and ran to the closest door she could find, a small un-air conditioned chapel. And yet we could still hear Will yelling how much he wanted to go outside. 😩

"Can Grandma take you outside?"


"Can Grandpa take you outside?"



Did I mention it was also the hottest day of the year yet?!!😩😩

You may be wondering where Greg and I were doing this stunt. The deacon insisted that we (the parents and godparents) move to the front entrance of the church to wait and then walk into the baptism area with the baby. It only felt like a few minutes, but let's be honest -- toddlers need only a few seconds to wreck havoc in any scenario. 😇😜😝

Well-played, Will, well-played. 😂😂😂

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